Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Today Was a Sad Food Day

Not sure what happened to all of that marvelous food we've been eating. Today's culinary rating was maybe a 4 out of 10 if I'm generous. I had a banana for breakfast and cheerios and applesauce for lunch. Dinner was certainly tastier since my mom took me out to the Beer Bistro. I had a chopped salad, which was exactly what I was in the mood for, but did not leave me satisfied for long. Alas, I have nothing wonderful to write about.

Emily had a bowl of cheerios with honey for breakfast, a tasty falafel sandwich from the Nile and a fizzy root beer. She had a $1 chocolate milkshake snack from the C-shop on campus and for dinner a microwaveable bowl o' dinner which turns out involved shrimp. Yuck. currently she is eating applesauce with cinnamon (and cloves!).

Didn't you want to know all of that? We felt guilty for not posting and figured we should develop good habits even if we don't have exciting foods to talk about. Perhaps tomorrow Emily will post on one of the many delicious meals we've had recently, if only to remind us that we are capable of such things.

1 comment:

Duff said...

I want to hear about gustatory satisfaction!